Saturday, July 7, 2007

Big House

L. and I are exploring some sort of old, run down farm house. We seem to be following some sort of path, into the main house, out back, into some sort of old kitchen building, climbing through boarded up and plastered over walls, out into some sort of back garden. We become stuck and aren't sure where to go next. I remember we're playing a computer adventure game and we get out our laptops for hints.

L and I are living in an enormous, modern windowed house. I walk around exploring it, passing a child's car seat--I guess we have a child now, I think (though I never see one in my tour of the house). I go through the upstairs, then the lower floor, and I think, huh, we have all this space now and there's no music room or anything? Where are my guitars? I'm back at the front door, and I realize I ignored a set of steps just off the front entrance that go up to some kind of loft. I dash up the stairs, and arrive in some sort of recording studio with a booth and huge sound board and demo'ing room. Wow, this life is totally cool, I think.